
What is Fidyah?

Fedyah (Fidya) is a provision in Islam for those unable to fast during Ramadan due to genuine reasons such as old age, illness, or disability.
In place of the missed fasts, one is required to feed a less fortunate individual for each day of fasting that they couldn’t observe. However, if circumstances like illness or travel caused someone temporarily unable to fast, they should compensate by observing these fasts at a later time when they’re able. 

How much is Fidyah?

The set amount for Fedyah (Fidya) in Ramadan 2025 is $6 for each unobserved fast. This sum should be sufficient to offer two meals to one individual or one meal to two individuals.

What’s the difference Fedyah (Fidya) and Kaffarah?

While both serve as compensations, Fedyah (Fidya) is given when a fast is missed for a valid reason, whereas Kaffarah is due when a fast is deliberately broken without any genuine reason. Fedyah (Fidya) is equivalent to feeding one person, but Kaffarah requires feeding 60 people.

Learn more about Fidyah, and the difference between fidyah and kaffarah, by clicking here.

Donate AU$6 now to provide two meals and compensate for missing ONE fast (with a valid reason). 


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Charity donations $2 or more to MAA International are tax-deductible in Australia.